People called the poor dog ‘werewolf’ because they simply didn’t know what kind of animal he was

This “werewolf” stood by the side of the road for several months and nobody dared to approach him. His skin was hard and scaly, his tail was pointy and broken. What was left of his black fur was tattered and stood straight up on his neck. The dog probably hadn’t eaten a proper meal in weeks, and he could barely walk – but then a stranger decided to act…

A strange animal resembling a ‘werewolf’ stood by the side of the road around an orchard in Madera Ranchos, California. With a mangy patch of fur, skinny and balding, he made everyone fearful to even look at him.

Months passed by and no one wanted to approach the poor animal whose skin was hard and scaly and whose tail was pointy and broken. The only black fur left was that on his neck and head.

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