Rescuers Race To Save Dog Stuck In Freezing Snow For 2 Days, Find He’s Keeping Something Warm

It really is astounding how dogs instinctually know how to save lives.

They say that “dogs are man’s best friend” and there’s probably a mile-long list of reasons for that. But one of those reasons is because dogs are fiercely loyal and protective.

So, much so that there are loads of reports of dogs saving human lives.

One Russian dog is being hailed as a hero after keeping a 2-year-old boy alive in the freezing cold. Apparently, the child was abandoned by his family in the Altai region of Siberia on an unheated porch of a house in frigid 10°F weather that reported dropped to -5.8°F overnight, according to Daily Mail.

A hero dog, pictured, kept a two-year old-boy alive for two days after the child was abandoned in sub-zero temperatures

The dog reportedly wrapped himself around the boy to keep him warm. The boy was eventually found by neighbors and suffered from acute hypothermia.

The boy is said to have been there for about two days.

The Siberian Times said that the mother returned four days after the child was found by neighbors and is the subject of a criminal investigation for deliberately abandoning her child.

The boy was left in the unheated the porch of his family's home in the Altai region of southern Siberia, Russia

“The mother faces a potential jail sentence and losing the right to raise her child,” The Siberian Times reports.

The boy was hospitalized and is responding well to treatment despite being left in the cold without food for 48 hours.

And this isn’t the first report of a Siberian dog saving a child’s life.

A dog led police to Karina Chikitova, 3-year-old who was lost in the Sakha Republic wilderness for nine days after she wandered off looking for her father who left on a trip.

The boy shivered in temperatures were averaging minus 12C , with the mercury sometimes dropping as low as 21C

Rescuers were upset when they saw her dog return home two days before they found her because they figured snuggling her puppy was the only chance she’d have of staying safe.

“That was the moment when our hearts sank because we thought at least with her dog Karina had chances to survive – night in Yakutia are cold and some areas have already gone into minus temperatures. If she was to hug her puppy, we thought, this would have given her a chance to stay warm during nights and survive,” a spokesperson for the Sakha Republic Rescue Service told The Siberian Times.

Police in the Loktevsky district of the Atlai region, north of Kazakhstan, are investigating the mother over claims she deliberately abandoned her child

“So when her dog came back we thought ‘that’s it’ – even if she was alive – and chances were slim – now she would have definitely have lost all hopes. Our hearts truly and deeply sank.”

She was found lying in the grass and survived on eating berries and fresh water.

Thanks to the heroic and loyal pups the lives of these children were saved and have become the guardian angels as well as their best friends.

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