Distraught Dog Couldn’t Stop Crying After Family Dumped Him At High-Kill Shelter

When you adopt a dog, you are making a commitment to that animal. That animal is not just your pet, but your family member.

While some people fall on hard times and give up their pets so they could have a better life, others abandon their pets in the worst way.

When Blue the Pit Bull’s family was moving, they didn’t want to take him with them. But instead of rehoming him or bringing him to a rescue, they dumped him at Carson Shelter, a high-kill facility in California.

Blue was absolutely devastated and wondered where his family was. He would cry in his kennel, gazing out the bars, waiting for them to come back. But they never did.

There was even a photograph that shows a tear running down Blue’s face, but it could just be from allergies. Nonetheless, Blue grew very depressed and wouldn’t even eat.

Thankfully, volunteers from Saving Carson Shelter Dogs saw Blue’s sad face and knew they had to help him.

They posted a video of him on their Facebook page, in the hopes that someone would want to adopt him. That’s when Jennifer McKay saw the video and immediately went to the shelter to meet him.

Even though she was standing at his kennel, Blue remained in the back, lying down without making eye contact. McKay could tell that he was very sad and depressed.

McKay knew she wanted to adopt him, but the shelter had to do a temperament test on him first. In the meantime, McKay brought him a new comfy bed and a bone. At this point, he still wouldn’t come to McKay, but he at least acknowledged her.

The third time McKay went to see him, Blue perked up and came straight toward her. He definitely recognized her and felt safe with her.

Once his test was done, McKay was able to adopt Blue and take him home. Once he arrived at her house, he was a whole new dog.

The depressed, anti-social dog turned into a happy, playful pup. It didn’t take long for him to make himself at home at McKay’s house. He loves going for walks, riding in the car, getting belly rubs, and cuddling on the couch.

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By: https://www.waggingtonpost.com/blue-adopted/

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