Dog Waits Calmly On Mattress After Owners Discard Him With The Trash

When a family relocated to their new residence, they discarded everything they didn’t want to take with them. Among the trash left on the curb by this family were an old mattress, some furniture, pillows, and a dog named Boo who was left behind.

abandoned dog waiting for the owner

Undoubtedly, Boo was unaware that his owners had left him, and he continued to believe that they would return. He climbed onto the mattress, where he was familiar with the scents, and waited patiently for their return. The neighbors provided him with food and water, but he refused to leave the spot, hoping that his family would come back to him.

abandoned dog waiting for the owner

This sad incident understandably made the neighbors worried. A man shared a picture of Boo on a Facebook group dedicated to dogs, seeking assistance from the local shelter. However, despite their efforts, no one came forward to take him in.

abandoned dog waiting for the owner
Thankfully, Mike Diesel, the founder of Detroit Youth and Dog Rescue, saw the post and decided to assist Boo. He drove to meet Boo and tried to heal the dog’s broken heart by talking to him. When he felt that Boo was comfortable enough with him, he picked up the dog, put him into his truck and took him to the vet.
abandoned dog waiting for the owner

“He was lying there, showing his loyalty,” Diesel tells The Dodo. “Pillows were still on the mattress. As a loyal dog, he waited for his owner to come back.”

Boo has received the necessary assistance and is currently in good condition. The staff was impressed with his sweet temperament despite his difficult situation. Eventually, he found a new loving home where he is cherished and won’t be abandoned again.

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