This Dog Exhibits Amusing Response When His Household Acquired a Fresh Pup Without Consulting Him Prior

This adorable dog named Kevin has been a part of his household for four years, and he is beloved by all members of the family. As a result, he always enjoys receiving attention from everyone.

The surprise of the puppy

According to Stroup’s statement to The Dodo, Kevin is a very affectionate and caring dog who always wants to be close to one of them. Stroup mentioned that they cannot lie down without Kevin joining them almost immediately.

The surprise of the puppy

Unexpectedly, the situation altered when Stroup and her spouse opted to take in a small puppy named Lyle a few weeks ago. Nonetheless, they neglected to confer with Kevin before bringing Lyle to their home.

The surprise of the puppy

Upon meeting Lyle, we could perceive a hint of jealousy and bewilderment in Kevin’s expression.

View the video of Kevin’s response here:

Stroup remarked, “That is undoubtedly his classic ‘What. Have. You. Done.’ expression.”

The surprise of the puppy

It’s understandable how Kevin must be feeling, as the addition of a new puppy in the household can make him feel a sense of loss. The arrival of a new member alters life, and it is never quite the same again.

The surprise of the puppy

Lyle, the puppy, is full of playfulness and mischief, whereas Kevin enjoys a peaceful and undisturbed way of life, without any annoyance or the need to compete for attention. Although Lyle is Kevin’s complete opposite, he loves his new elder brother unconditionally.

The surprise of the puppy

“He only wants to follow Kevin around,” Stroup said. “He’s completely fixated on him.”

“Despite Lyle’s efforts to disrupt Kevin’s calm and tranquil existence, they have become incredibly close,” Stroup added. “Kevin enjoys having a companion to spend time with when we’re not around.”

The surprise of the puppy

Even though Kevin’s old habits may be a thing of the past, he truly adores Lyle, and they are currently living a joyous life in their home.

The surprise of the puppy

If you enjoy Kevin’s reaction and his bond with Lyle, please like this video!

h/t: The Dodo

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