Despairing, famished young dog dozes off on the sidewalk until a compassionate lady extends her help

When Stray Rescue of St. Louis received a call about a dog napping on a residential street during a heat wave, they kindly requested that the caller email them photos of the dog so they could determine the best course of action.

Donna Lochmann, the chief lifesaving officer for Stray Rescue of St. Louis, told The Dodo that “the picture provided by the caller showed the dog laying down.” Although it was tough to discern, it seemed as if the dog’s hip bones were protruding. As a result, Lochmann was confident that it was worth investigating.

Photo: Youtube Howl Of A Dog

Despite arriving promptly, Lochmann was unsuccessful in locating the puppy. She eventually decided to turn into an alley, and that’s where she found him.

According to Lochmann, “I saw him there, lying in the street.” He was lying in the water that was flowing out of the gutter, most likely to keep himself cool in the heat.

When Lochmann approached the puppy, she realized how desperately he needed help.

Photo: Youtube Howl Of A Dog

Lochmann noticed that the dog heard her approaching and lifted his head to take a quick look around before placing his head back down on the curb, appearing as if he had lost all hope.

Lochmann felt emotional at the sight of the dog lying alone on the street, appearing lifeless and without any hope.

Photo: Youtube Howl Of A Dog

It broke my heart, Lochmann said. I couldn’t just leave this puppy here, I decided.

Here is a video of Lochmann seeing the puppy for the first time:

Luckily for Lochmann, the neglected dog was willing to be rescued. Even without a leash, he walked towards her vehicle.

“Let’s go, buddy. We’re going to take care of you,” I told him as I started talking to him.

The puppy quickly made himself comfortable once he got into the car.

Photo: Youtube Howl Of A Dog

He lay down straight away as Lochmann had blankets in the back of the jeep. He seemed to appreciate the cool air and cozy environment.

The affectionate dog, later named Curby, enjoyed his “freedom ride” to safety, according to the shelter.

According to Lochmann, he was quickly placed with a foster family. “A couple saw his video and the husband said, ‘That puppy shouldn’t be in a shelter.'” They came and took him home.

Curby is thriving in his new foster home, with two loving parents and a canine sibling with whom he enjoys snuggling. In his new surroundings, he is finally starting to put on weight and his personality is shining through.

According to Lochmann, he has the most dedicated foster parents. “He has turned out to be the sweetest boy ever,” she said.

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