Dejected & Heartsick, He Scours The Streets For The Dad He Doesn’t Know Is Gone

It’s hard to think about the future if you are young and healthy. But things happen and nothing is guaranteed.

For a young dog owner who died suddenly, no arrangements were made for his dog’s care.

The heartsick dog was trapped inside their apartment until the landlord opened the door. The dog ran away looking for his owner and quickly became homeless.

This is when his health greatly deteriorated. The poor pup was attacked by parasites and mange. He was filthy, hungry and alone. He scratched his itchy skin relentlessly.

When a veterinarian saw him from his window, he was heartbroken. Surely this dog needed help but could he catch him and bring him inside?

As predicted, the dog runs away. From being malnourished and sick, the dog becomes confused and sits in the middle of a busy road.

The vet makes a call to a local rescue and urges them to come as quickly as they can before the dog is hit by a car.

The dog sees the rescuers coming and quickly runs into a parking garage. He finds a good hiding spot.

But then, the dog is cornered. When he sees the strangers, he freezes in fear. They try to tell the dog that he’s in good hands now.

Back at the vet’s office, the dog is taken out of the crate. The vet can see he has fleas all over his body. Poor baby! He also tests positive for heartworm.

The first step is to shave the dog to get rid of every flea on his aching body. Then they can apply topical and oral medication.

The vet assures the filmmakers, and rescuers, that he will do all he can to make him healthy. Then he will be neutered and put up for adoption.

The vet has a family in mind too! What wonderful news! The dog is sweet and ready to start a new life.

He will always miss his original owner but there is room in his big loving heart for more lasting memories (and tons of love too!)


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