An unfortunate orange cat in Siberia was abandoned by its owners and eventually lost all four of its paws to frostbite. Fortunately, Ryzhik (which means “Ginger” or “Redhead” in Russian) was taken in by caring new owners who did not... Read more
This story is about a young and playful lion named Fliya, who climbed onto a tourist bus seeking affection from the passengers. The friendly lion was welcomed onto the bus, where he began licking and cuddling with some of the... Read more
This video captures a heartwarming moment between a baby polar bear cub and a baby seal, but it quickly turns tense! The footage was captured by the BBC’s filming crew while they were shooting for the Snow Bears series. While... Read more
When fishermen discovered the sick Irrawaddy dolphin calf, it was unable to swim and was in danger of drowning in shallow water off the coast of Thailand. The fishermen contacted marine guardians right away, who provided them with advice on... Read more
Just like children, baby animals can make friends easily, often with other animals they have just met. They don’t see their differences and simply enjoy each other’s company. As they spend more time together, their bond grows naturally and becomes... Read more
The rocky coastline of Northern California is beautiful to behold but can be perilous for dogs. While jogging at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, a man heard a sound that caused him to pause. It seemed to be a muted... Read more
It is widely recognized that elephants are one of the most emotionally intelligent animals on Earth, and the video below, filmed near the Kalawewa reserve in Sri Lanka, depicts a herd of elephants coming together to bid farewell to their... Read more
Meet the Emerald Tanager, a bird with an almost completely green coat. Its back is a bit darker than the rest of its body, while the rump is paler. The bird is clad in bright, shiny, emerald green from head... Read more
“Do you ever take time to savor the moment?” is changed to “Do you ever take time to appreciate the present?” to keep the same meaning. Most of us don’t, but when Cmycherrytree’s daughter Angel chose a rose for her... Read more
You may say that adults are getting lots of headaches because of snowfall, but apparently, this rule doesn’t apply to pandas. After a heavy snowfall in the D.C. region, a family of giant pandas at the National Zoo were caught... Read more