Tiger Is Rescued From The Circus After Being Neglected Due To Ignorance – Witness Her Miraculous Transformation

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: wild animals have no place in the circus. Aasha, a Bengal tiger, is another example of an animal abused by the circus. But, thankfully, it ended well for her, thanks to an... Read more

Mother attacks animal lovers, says the term fur babies is “an insult to moms”

People who care about animals are angered by a mother of three kids who claims that calling dogs “fur babies” is “an insult to moms.” “Fur babies,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is “a pet, especially one that someone treats... Read more

Fire crew comes to the rescue of horse who was trapped in sinkhole

Sinkholes can be a dangerous hazzard for both people and animals. Even an animal as large as a horse can get helplessly trapped in a sinkhole, and in some cases it can be deadly. But thankfully, one horse is safe,... Read more

A Newborn Baby Elephant is Attacked by Its Mother and is Rejected; Cries for Five Hours

Feeling rejected by the σne yσu exρected tσ lσve yσu the mσst, yσur ρarents, esρecially if yσu lσve them uncσnditiσnally, is the mσst ρainful feeling. This incident haρρened tσ a newbσrn eleρhant whσ cried fσr several hσurs because he did... Read more

Old man brings bag to animal shelter, when she sees what’s inside, her tears flow

All dogs deserve a home where they feel loved, appreciated, and cared for. But unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out that way. Some dogs are forced to live their entire life with an abusive owner, and others spend their days... Read more

Neighbors discover strange creature wandering around their yards – realize it’s an emergency

In November 2018, residents of Rocky Point in Long Island, New York discovered a very strange creature out and about in their area. It soon became clear that the creature in question was a deer, writes animal site The Dodo. It... Read more

Horse runs from wildfire and gets stuck in pool, look what she does to thank her rescuer

Back in 2018, deadly wildfires raged in California. Over a quarter of a million people was forced to flee their homes and 103 people lost their lives. At this most tragic of times, though, it wasn’t just humans suffering, but... Read more

Omaha’s Henry Zoo Announces Birth of Four Cheetah Cubs, Mom protect babies (Video)

Watch the video below! Source: https://www.mohamith.me/detail.php?v=9tji7DKqZ- Read more

Firefighters rescue missing dog who was trapped between concrete walls for five days

Sometimes animals get themselves stuck in some pretty trick places and need a little human help getting out. That was the case in 2021, after a dog became trapped in a concrete wall for five days — until firefighters came to her rescue. Connie... Read more

He raised a gorilla, 6 years later, it meets his wife – despite the warnings she walks too close

When multi-millionaire and wildlife conservationist Damian Aspinall introduced his new wife to two of his old friends, he didn’t think he would have to worry about them stealing her away from him. Especially since they’re gorillas! Damian Aspinall raised two... Read more