Farmer Finds Pasture Empty, Sees All 32 Dead Cows In One Big Pile

Tragedy Strikes Missouri Farm: A Lightning Bolt’s Devastating Impact

An Unexpected Blow

Springfield, Missouri, bore witness to a deeply sorrowful event when Jared Blackwelder, a local farmer, lost his entire dairy herd to a lightning strike. This unexpected catastrophe occurred during a spring rainstorm. The 32 cows, seeking refuge from the harsh downpour, had gathered under some trees in the pasture, which tragically became ground zero for the deadly lightning bolt.

“The unpredictability of nature can sometimes result in heart-wrenching consequences for those who work closely with the land.”

Last Moments with the Herd

On that fateful day, Jared and his spouse, Misty, went about their morning routine, feeding their beloved cows. They had no inkling that this would be their last shared moment with the animals they had cared for so deeply. When evening approached, they returned to the pasture for the routine milking. The eerie silence and empty pasture alarmed them. Their worst fears were confirmed when they discovered their entire herd lifeless, clustered together under the tree line.

A subsequent examination by a local vet confirmed their suspicions. The cows, in an attempt to shield themselves from the rain, had congregated under the trees, an action that inadvertently placed them in the direct path of the lightning strike.

“For Jared, the sight was particularly heartrending, given his deep bond with each cow, nurtured through countless hours spent in their company.”

Financial Strain and Community Support

The financial implications of this event were monumental for the Blackwelders. With each dairy cow valued between $2,000 and $2,500, the cumulative loss loomed over $60,000. Their insurance, they felt, was unlikely to cover such a massive blow.

However, in the face of adversity, the farming community stepped in. Representatives from the local Farm Service Agency (FSA), in tandem with the Missouri Farm Bureau, extended a helping hand. They introduced the Blackwelders to the Livestock Indemnity Program, an initiative aimed at assisting farmers grappling with substantial livestock losses due to natural disasters.

Criticism and Defense

In the aftermath of the tragedy, voices of criticism rose, pointing fingers at Jared for not providing the cows with sufficient shelter. Stan Cody, the President of MFB, along with others, rallied in Jared’s defense. He highlighted the prevalent practice in Missouri, where many farmers don’t maintain dedicated shelters for their livestock, emphasizing the larger structural challenges.

“Farmers, while masters of their land, often find themselves at the mercy of nature’s unpredictability.”

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

This incident serves as a poignant testament to the challenges farmers face, their vulnerability to nature’s unpredictable whims, and the deep-seated emotional bond they share with their animals. It underscores the importance of community support and available resources for farmers in trying times.

The trauma and loss felt by Jared and his family will forever be etched in their memories, symbolizing both the trials and the inherent resilience of farm life.


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