Cockatoo Throws Tantrum When She’s Supposed to Go to Her Cage, Internet Can’t Get Enough

We are all aware that birds are one of the most impressive creatures on the planet. They possess the ability to sing, fly, and roam the earth in a manner that is unparalleled by any other creature. The development of planes and helicopters was most likely influenced by the desire of humans to fly like birds.

One of the many reasons to appreciate birds is their ability to speak. Those that can communicate with humans can make excellent companions. Who wouldn’t want a pet that could hold a conversation with them, even if it’s just by imitating what you say? Parrots and cockatoos are strong contenders for the title of “man’s best friend,” right behind dogs.

The most entertaining aspect of owning a talking bird is when they have a bit of a tantrum. As birds learn to speak by listening to those around them, they can learn a wide variety of words, including vulgar ones. You wouldn’t want to reveal your secrets in front of an intelligent bird who might go on to repeat them.

Photo: Youtube MegaBirdCrazy

In this instance, Pebble the cockatoo has been passed around to nearly a dozen different households over the past twenty years. Frequent relocations can be challenging for birds, who usually bond with a single human owner throughout their life. Cockatoos can live for up to 100 years, and it’s easy to imagine how much knowledge a bird can amass during that time.

Pebble despised being confined to her cage. When her owner attempted to return her to her small abode, she had a lot of passionate words for him. She was unafraid to speak her mind and had a lot to express!

Photo: Youtube MegaBirdCrazy

When you watch the video, it’s clear that Pebble is stringing together different phrases that she’s picked up from various conversations. The most amusing part is that she’s learned a few curse words over the years and doesn’t hesitate to use them! Her reaction to her owner is truly comical. Who would have thought that a bird throwing a tantrum could be so entertaining!

Take a look at the video below, but be aware that you may want to shield the ears of any children in the vicinity:

Did this particular Cockatoo bring a smile to your face? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share any of your own funny bird stories. And be sure to pass this video along to others who could use a good laugh!

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