A young donkey loves to playfully kick her caretaker whenever she wants his attention

Amari, a baby donkey, loves to playfully kick her human dad, Jason, while her human mom, Darla, watches and laughs. Despite her small size, Amari’s kicks pack a punch and sometimes leave Jason with bruises. Amari is adorable as she runs after her father.

Photo: Youtube The Dodo

When Amari was born, she was sickly, but her parents cared for her and helped her recover. As she grew up, Amari developed a strong personality and became increasingly mischievous. She follows Jason everywhere he goes and enjoys kicking him to get his attention.

Photo: Youtube The Dodo

Despite her naughtiness, Amari is full of energy and never seems to tire. Her parents struggle to keep up with her, but they love her no matter what. Darla says that Amari will always be their baby, even as she grows bigger and crazier.

Watch the video below.

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