Large brown bear repeatedly enters store, takes candy, and remains inside despite attempts to make it leave

This is the remarkable moment when a ravenous brown bear broke into a 7-Eleven and began helping itself to candy bars.

54-year-old Christopher Kinson, the helpless cashier, was left staring at the bear as it plundered the store.

It all occurred one night when he noticed the door open while on a night shift at the store in Olympic Valley, California, but no one came inside.

The cashier then looked down and noticed the large brown bear helping itself to late-night snacks at 1:30 am.

“At first, I was surprised,” Christopher Kinson, a Wisconsin native, said. “I see the door open, and I don’t see a body, and I think, ‘oh my god… It’s a bear’.”

There is a video compilation of the bear’s successful robbery attempts at the store. It’s something you have to see to believe!

“The videos really don’t do it justice. The bear was 20% to 30% larger in real life.”

The bear has robbed the store several times. Kinson tried to close the entrance with a bin liner and then a mop but to no avail.

“I always kept my distance, and I had the back door near me so I could escape if it charged me,” he said.

“At first, I was scared, but soon realized that they were only looking for food. Nonetheless, it’s important to remain cautious as we cannot be certain of their intentions.”

“During his visits to the shop, the bear amusingly took the chocolates one or two at a time, mimicking the behavior of an actual customer.”

“It’s amusing how the bear seemed to be intentionally courteous by taking only one candy bar at a time, as if it had manners.”

“The inquisitive bear had already made multiple visits before leaving again for thirty minutes.”

Christopher took the opportunity to block the entrance at that moment.

The cashier made an attempt to keep the furry intruder out by using a broom handle to block the entrance and securing it with what appeared to be a trash bag, but it proved to be a futile effort.

“It came in, sniffed around, and then quickly left once it had obtained the food it was after.”

“It took the food and left for two or three minutes, then returned. It entered two or three more times and eventually left for thirty minutes, which prompted me to block the door.”

“You do not want to attract them with a source of food.”

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