Baby Elk Stranded On Jagged Rocks Is Rescued By Brave Angler!

A moose became trapped on sharp rocks just above the water level.

Photo: zenoonee

According to the story, the mother moose was with her calf when they found themselves in the lake. While the mother was able to swim to safety, it is unclear if she left to protect herself or if she sought assistance.

Photo: zenoonee

Fortunately, some boaters who happened to be passing by helped to rescue the trapped baby moose from the rocks. They lifted it off the sharp rocks which were far away from any land.

Photo: zenoonee

The moose appeared to be scared, possibly because it was exhausted from stubbornly holding on to the rocks.

Photo: zenoonee

As they reached the shore, the two men gently released the baby moose so that it could return to its family.

The young moose, however, appeared to be scared and hesitant to leave the safety of the men’s presence, and lingered for a while longer.

Photo: zenoonee

Once one of the guys let the moose down, the young moose attempted to return to the water, perhaps feeling more secure among the men.

Photo: zenoonee
He believed that once the baby moose made it to the shore, it would reunite with its mother.
This incredible moment was captured on video.

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