“Dear Mom, My Journey Comes to an End” – A Letter from a Puppy who Never Found a Home

The art of letter writing has been used for centuries to express our deepest emotions, recount stories of the past, or express our unfulfilled desires.

In a heart-wrenching letter, the profound loneliness felt by many puppies who never experience the love of a family has been brought to light.

Photo: androdass.com

The letter composed by an unadopted puppy.

Photo: androdass.com

A letter from a dog who was never adopted was shared on social media by Lupis Animalista, and it deeply touched people all around the globe.

With so many stray puppies out there, it’s almost impossible not to shiver when reading the first few lines.

“Dear Mom,”

This is where my journey ends. Don’t worry, I didn’t feel any pain when I passed away. I was just really sad and alone. But eventually, I got used to being by myself. I was stuck in that shelter for so long that I grew to hate its four walls. I think I was just unlucky. I never really wondered why life had to be so hard for me. Maybe it was just my fate.

Photo: androdass.com

The young lady holding the message wanted to speak for all the furry creatures that are not given the chance to be loved and are passed over by potential adopters due to their breed, appearance, age, or simply because they do not fit the idea of the perfect pet.

Mom, I don’t want you to feel guilty.

I just want you to understand that when you were searching for a furry companion, I was here. I regret that you chose that adorable, snuggly puppy at the pet store. I wish someone had guided you to where I was. I wish you had come to my shelter and picked me instead of that gorgeous purebred puppy from your friend’s breeder. I want you to know that I would have done all that and more for you if you had considered adopting a pup waiting at your doorstep to greet you when you come home.

Photo: androdass.com

I could have been the perfect dog for you, whether you wanted a companion to lounge with on the couch or an adventure partner to scale the highest peaks with. However, for many rescued puppies, life in a kennel can stretch on for months or even years.

These pups never get to experience the joy of playtime or snuggles on the bed with their beloved person.

Despite being rescued from the streets, countless dogs pass away without ever experiencing the love of a family. The letter goes on to say:

“Dear mom, you’re not at fault. I know that my mother was out there waiting for me, and that mother was you. We just never had the chance to meet. Maybe there are so few people like you and so many like me that we never crossed paths. A mother should know where to look, but even mothers can make mistakes. I just wish you hadn’t made one.

Please don’t be sad, mama. Don’t shed any tears.

I think I dreamt of you last night before I passed away. You came to my kennel, unlocked the door, and took me out. We went to your home, where I stayed in bed with my eyes open, taking in everything around me. I know your personality, your scent, the sound of your voice, and the color of your hair. It’s okay if we never met. I’m not special. Just another dog here,

Photo: androdass.com

A potential candidate for being your dog.

Dear Mom, I’m sorry I never told you where to find me.

I thought you already knew.

Today, I passed away peacefully.

The sweetest sound I ever heard was your voice calling out my name as I struggled to wake up.

The best way to save a life is to adopt a puppy. Be the light and love that you both need.


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