A dog and a deer form a unique connection through a fence and the deer returns daily to visit

They became immediate best friends and now eagerly anticipate their daily visits to “catch up”.

Throughout history, there have been numerous documented cases of different types of pets living together under one roof and forming close relationships.

When animals spend all day together, they inevitably form a unique bond. There are many stories of dogs and cats treating each other like family.

Witnessing interspecies friendships is always heartwarming.

What about pets that don’t live together? One day, Holly Faulconer noticed a deer sneaking in to eat seeds from her bird feeder. Rather than chasing the deer off, she found it entertaining.

Soon after, the young deer, whom Holly named Sassafras, began appearing for a different reason altogether. Sassafras found a friend in Holly’s dog, Huey.

The two formed a special bond.

Holly rescued Huey nine years ago and they have been inseparable ever since. Huey is very protective of Holly because he loves her so much.

Having this in mind, Holly was surprised when her dog began showing signs of wanting to befriend Sassafras instead of seeing the curious deer as a threat.

Huey felt at ease around Sassafras. “Huey was a bit uncertain at first and definitely cautious,” Holly recalled of her dog’s initial reaction to the deer. “I would talk to them both and make sure they both felt safe. Gradually, they just started communicating through the fence!”

They quickly warmed up to each other and became friends. Although there are numerous stories of animals forming strong bonds, it is unusual to hear of a dog and a deer becoming friends.

It is incredibly heartwarming. Holly shared a video on Instagram of Huey and Sassafras bonding over the fence. She captured the beautiful moment of the two animals spending time together despite the physical barrier separating them.

“This deer visits a few times a week,” Holly affectionately wrote. “It took a few visits but now they’re friends.”

The video quickly gained attention.

As of now, the post has received more than 147,000 likes and 1,100+ comments. People are truly moved by the wonderful friendship between Huey and Sassafras.

The fact that the adorable deer visits her furry friend every day is proof that they are more than just acquaintances.

It is the purest form of friendship. In the video, they seemed to be engaged in some serious catching up. I wonder what they were talking about? Maybe they were trying to figure out how to remove the fence!

The video was so stunning that many commenters questioned whether it was real! One commenter asked, “Okay, after watching this again, is this real? Did you actually film this? Is that your dog? Did this truly happen? Photoshop? Omg!”

Fortunately, everything is indeed real, and Holly gets to witness it every day. How lucky for her, right?

Huey and Sassafras have shown us that friendship knows no boundaries – what a beautiful lesson from a dog and a deer.

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