Family discovers a moose and her twin calves spending an entire day in their backyard

A man from Anchorage, Alaska observed a mother moose and her two calves in his backyard. Ryan Ryndstrom, the man, chose to capture the moment on camera after noticing that the adorable animals were spending the entire day there, with the mother moose enjoying the grass.

According to the man, the animals were in his backyard from approximately 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. The mother moose even helped her calves find lunch. Fortunately, Ryan captured photos of the entire event and shared them online for others to enjoy.

According to him, the mother moose enjoys feasting on the leaves of the orange blossom bush, bleeding hearts, astilbe, tree leaves, the orange begonias belonging to their neighbor, and his own yellow begonias.

Additionally, he mentioned that the moose family quickly departed from the backyard upon noticing another cow and her offspring running through the area. However, he regretted not being able to record the moment on video. It was truly a remarkable experience!

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