Rufus The Rescued Wallaby Insists On Daily Sofa Snuggles With Owner

Rufus, a rescued kangaroo, loves snuggling with his human father on the couch while he watches television. Rufus was saved when he was only eight months old and was taken in by Kym Haywood, the director of the Patch Kangaroo Sanctuary near Boston. Despite being an adult now, Rufus still has a strong attachment to the couch, and it remains his favorite spot in the house.

Every night, Rufus enters through the back door and heads straight for the couch to relax and watch TV with his human father. Kym often has a hard time getting Rufus to go to bed because he prefers to stay in his favorite spot. In a video of the kangaroo, Kym can be heard telling him it’s time for bed, but Rufus just slouches down on the couch and buries his head.

The clever kangaroo takes the grapes from his human owners who use them as a bribe to get him off the couch, but then he flops back down on it. Even the competition for space on the couch between his owners has ceased. As the kangaroo grows, they simply recline further apart on the sofa. The space seems to belong only to Rufus. When guests come to their home, they are told to sit elsewhere as Rufus has reserved that specific seat.

Rufus, who has been with Kym and her husband Neil since he was a mere eight months old, takes up their couch space. However, they do not mind giving it up to Rufus, as they enjoy his company and daily cuddles. The couple was ecstatic when Rufus began to lounge on the couch, and they consider him a special kangaroo who finds comfort and security there.

Rufus, the rescued kangaroo, enjoys relaxing on the couch with his human parents and sometimes watches TV before dozing off. Despite the fact that Rufus is reluctant to vacate his spot on the couch, his human parents have placed mattress protectors on the furniture to avoid any accidents. They want him to be happy and content. However, when Rufus is feeling irritable, he gently pushes his human parents off the couch to have it all to himself.

Watch the video below.
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