Dog owner captures last moments with her dying baby. These 10 pictures show what love really is

For 11-year-old Hannah, a pit bull terrier-Labrador mix, life was getting harder. Suffering from seizures and riddled with arthritis in her hips, loyal, loving Hannah was also enduring side effects from the medications she took to control her seizures. While... Read more

Dying woman holds 19-year-old service dog close. In this moment, dog knows just what to do

“In the arms of the angel, fly away from here …” Music floods the room. Gentle hands touch the people in San Diego Hospice, where those who come soon leave in the arms of an angel. To this place of... Read more

Dog deserves an award for the most dramatic version of playing dead ever

The Academy Award goes to Sam for best lead actor in a dramatic film and overall cutest pup ever! We just love this video of Sam; he’s a very talented pup! First his dad tells him to sit and wait,... Read more

How to treat a dog with Mango Worms Infestation

How to treat a dog with Mango Worms Infestation 😲 Original video from Doctor Micheal Meyer in Gambia, thanks for his great job! Watch the video below! Read more

Rescuers Race To Save Dog Stuck In Freezing Snow For 2 Days, Find He’s Keeping Something Warm

It really is astounding how dogs instinctually know how to save lives. They say that “dogs are man’s best friend” and there’s probably a mile-long list of reasons for that. But one of those reasons is because dogs are fiercely... Read more

14-year-old dog was heartbroken after being surrendered to shelter — but now she’s getting a new start

It’s always heartbreaking when dogs are surrendered to shelters by their owners. These poor pets are left heartbroken, wondering where their family has gone and when they’re going home. It’s even sadder when a senior dog is abandoned — these... Read more

Rescue takes in severely matted dog who looks like a wig — today she’s unrecognizable

It’s truly remarkable the difference a haircut can make, especially for a dog. Many stray and neglected dogs go ungroomed, causing them distress as their fur becomes tangled and matted. Recently, one stray dog was found with so much fur... Read more

‘Hero dog’ who saved other pups was almost euthanized — but now she’s getting a second chance

Just like humans do, dogs can donate their blood to save other dogs in need. These life-saving pets are often dubbed “hero dogs.” But after saving the lives of others, one hero dog nearly lost her own life because no... Read more

Couple moves in to new house and finds an abandoned dog tied up in their yard — gives her a new life

It’s always shocking to see the cruel ways some people abandon their pets. But thankfully, there are also kind people in the world willing to step up and help these discarded animals. That was the case recently, after one couple... Read more

Rescued from squalor, dog can’t stop smiling for the people who saved her and her beloved babies

On a lifesaving mission, Donna Lochmann set out to rescue four adorable pudgy puppies and their fiercely protective mom, all that were hiding in a backyard with piles of junk nestled in the overgrown grass. Living in squalor after her... Read more