The emotional last goodbye to his elderly puppy after 15 years faithfully by his side

Saying gσσdbye fσrever tσ the afterlife tσ σur lσved σnes is σne σf the mσst heartbreaƙing exρeriences. And in them, σf cσurse, σur faithful 4-legged friends are included, writes fancy4wσrƙ Our ρets share σur lives shσwing us fidelity. They accσmρany... Read more

Pit bull grabs baby’s diaper and starts to drag her — seconds later, the family realizes why she’s a hero

Latana Chai, a mother from California, was recently hit by a terrible tragedy. The unthinkable happened when she was home with her seven month old baby girl Masailah. Masailah is about the size of the family’s pit bull, Sasha, who... Read more

Shelter shaves 5 lbs of fur off of street dog and gives him the transformation he deserves

There are many wonderful examples of people getting makeovers or going through incredible transformations. At their best, radical changes in appearance or style can contribute to increased confidence and higher self-esteem. But who says only humans deserve to be pampered and given... Read more

A pit bull and weiner dog had a baby together. Say hello to the new kid

It might not have been a match that anyone expected, but its result is adorable. Meet Rami, a dog with an incredibly unique heritage: he is the offspring of a stocky, broad-chested pit bull and a stubby-legged lithe dachshund. This... Read more

Bulldog puppy faces off with her mama, throws biggest tantrum ever

Every mother has dealt with a child’s tantrum at some point, and this is no exception for mother Patches and her baby bulldog Elvis. Needless to say, when Elvis throws a tantrum, he’s not afraid to show his temper, particularly... Read more

Mom pulls back shower curtain to find Husky in tub – This video is hysterical

Getting most dogs into the a bath causes stress. Not for Zeus. This Husky enjoys his water playtime so much that he talks back to his owner in an attempt to stay in the tub. Lindsay Fleishman originally uploaded the... Read more

Riona was cruelly set on fire — after a year of recovery, she’s finally going to her new home

It’s truly unbelievable how cruel some people can be to dogs. A sweet pup named Riona suffered as much as anybody after being brutally set on fire by her owner last year. But almost exactly a year after that horrific... Read more

Dog paralyzed in hit-and-run wags his tail for the first time after being adopted

It’s always nice to see a dog wagging their tail — it’s usually their way of showing that they’re happy and content. But when a dog named Ward wagged his tail recently, it was a truly miraculous sign of just... Read more

Mom and dog are enjoying a ride. When the music starts, neither can hold back

How often do you get in the car, turn on your favorite radio station and sing along with the music? I know I like to do it, and I bet if you don’t, then you know someone who does. Annie... Read more

10 reasons why losing a dog is as difficult as losing a loved one

Losing a dog is an emotional experience that can be as devastating as losing a human loved one. For many pet owners, their furry companions are not just pets but cherished members of the family. The bond we share with... Read more