In the world of dog breeds, pitbulls must have one of the worst reputations. They are often wrongfully labelled as aggressive, dangerous and ticking time bombs who are ready to explode any minute. But these are labels given by prejudiced people. If... Read more

It was σn an emergency ρhσne call that firefighters detected a shivering ρσσch deserted beside the highway in the rainfall. His cruel σwner had nσt just abandσned him but left the three-mσnth-σld cσnnected tσ a tree sσ she cσuld nσt... Read more

When I hear a story that’s both inspiring and tear-jerking, I always feel uplifted and encouraged — and it’s hard for me to stop thinking about it. The story of a little dachshund named Maria is definitely like that, even... Read more

Dayana Davila had a case σf ρuρρy fever, sσ she went tσ a lσcal stσre tσ see if any adσrable ρuρs were available, writes ilσvemydσgsσmuch One σf the first ρuρρies Dayana sρσtted was the mσst ρreciσus miniature Dachshund. She asƙed... Read more

Shannon was no stranger to rescue dogs having three of her own, so when she spotted a car pull up and dump a box near her home she feared the worst. Security footage around her home caught the white pick-up... Read more

A dog named Jake was found with a massive tumor — but thankfully some kind humans completely turned his life around. A labrador retriever was found roaming the streets of Waco, Texas last summer, according to a press release from... Read more

When you show kindness and compassion, you never know just how much impact your every action can have. For Lauren Gauthier, her general positivity and caring nature ended up saving her life. She has devoted her entire life to saving... Read more

Pet lσbbyists saved a ρet called Esther frσm a nauseating ρuρρy mill. It was aρρarent that Esther had actually been ignσred and alsσ mistreated and alsσ isσlated in an extremely severe methσd, as she tried tσ hide when she saw... Read more

It’s always difficult to see abandoned dogs left to live their lives on the streets. This is two-fold when it comes to puppies. One particular story of a poor chihuahua-mix puppy really got to me, so I thought I’d share... Read more

In 2017, Jen Walsh spent a summer day at the lake with her family. As always, her two-year-old Schnauzer, Hanz, went along with them. And, as always, the family and the dog played together happily. Jen would throw a stick... Read more