Many stray and neglected dogs go ungroomed, causing them distress as their fur becomes tangled and matted. But a haircut can make all the difference. That was the case recently, after one dog covered in severely matted fur got a... Read more

Molly the dog lost almost 40 pounds during her time away from home An Iowa family is relieved after being reunited with their dog, Molly, who went missing for five months. On June 15, Molly’s parents, Randy and Cynthia Ruth,... Read more

K9s are amazing dogs. Not only do they provide an invaluable service to police departments, but they make a huge impression on their fellow officers, forming a bond that can never be broken. That’s what one video shows, as a police... Read more

It’s the best day of any shelter dog’s life when they finally get adopted, but sadly it doesn’t always work out. Sometimes dogs are surrendered back to shelters, leaving the dogs confused and wondering what happened to their home. That... Read more

It’s the best day of any shelter dog’s life when they get adopted, but sadly sometimes it doesn’t work out and the dogs are returned yet again to the shelter. That was the case for a sweet dog named Tic... Read more

Animal Aid Unlimited rescuers set out to help a puppy who lay motionless with trauma because of a severely injured paw. His brother kept wondering why he couldn’t play, and his mother grew increasingly worried, writees ilovemydogsomuch The little pup... Read more

When Paƙita the dσg went missing 3 years agσ, her dad was left harrσwed and terrified. The man felt ρσwerless as he searched fσr her everywhere, σnly tσ get his hσρes damρened σver and σver. Hσwever, he never gave uρ... Read more

As a man was driving thrσugh tσwn, he nσticed a dσg σn the side σf the rσad. The dσg lσσƙed tσ be in ρain, writes ilσvemydσgsσmuch Warning: Sensitive Cσntent! The man ρulled σver tσ aρρrσach him. He gσt a clσser... Read more

“Ever wonder what a dog dumped by her owners does? Sits and watches. Waiting for her family to come back.” The community in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, noticed a very skittish collie-like dog hanging around a local park this week. She was... Read more

The puppy spent the last days of his life with the satisfaction of knowing that there are also good people on earth After devoting the nice years of his existence to an ungrateful family, the destiny of a German shepherd... Read more