Woman sees teeth sticking out of flames, looks closer and realizes she has just seconds to act

When a disaster strikes, it’s easy to forget that it’s not just us humans who need to make our way to safety. Our four-legged friends also need help to escape. When reporter Gina Silva and her team roamed the streets... Read more

Mum branded “toad” by cruel bullies over 6,000 tumours covering her body reveals dramatic transformation after undergoing surgery

A mum whose body was covered with up to 6,000 tumours has revealed her skin’s dramatic transformation following surgery. Libby Huffer, 45, said she was branded “lizard breath” and “toad” by playground bullies during decades of abuse over her condition.... Read more

Alabama mom covered in thousands of tumors scared to get them removed

An Alabama woman has been gawked at her whole life due to the swathes of tumors covering her body. But she won’t get them removed for fear of the growths coming back bigger and more dangerous. Ashley Jernigan, 35, suffers... Read more

Woman’s 20-Year-Old Cyst Finally Gets Popped

Watch as dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee removes a large, 20-year-old cyst from one woman’s scalp. Watch the video below!   Read more

Baby weighing 400 grams gets death sentence by doctors, then they see the detail on her foot and freeze

Nobody thought she would survive. Manushi was born a very purple tint and weighed only 400 grams — the odds that she would survive were minute. Now her incredible story is spreading all over the world. It all began on... Read more

The man noticed a strange feature that gave him the chills while photographing his partner!

Love is an emotion that others cannot control. It is an internal emotion that is unique to each person. When two individuals are indeed in love, they don’t give a damn what other people may think of their relationship. They... Read more

White deer nurses her newborn calf, but now look who else shows up

The birth of a child is one of life’s biggest highlights. It’s a small miracle, and something moms and dads never forget, whether those parents are humans or animals. This video has recently been making its way around online and... Read more

This 12-Year-Old’s Girlfriend Told Him That He Made Her Pregnant, And He Had The Best Response Ever

Do you know why sex education is important? It’s because… Well, actually why don’t we let Tweeter Kiran the Nomad explain this with a real story of his own. A story that you might have a hard time wrapping your head around.... Read more

Zookeepers refuse to save chimpanzee from drowning – then truck driver does what no one else dares

The first thing needs to be said before telling this story is that I think it’s wrong for animals to be locked in zoos simply for human entertainment and amusement. Wild animals, such as chimpanzees for example, should live just... Read more

Cutting Neglected Nails, EXTREME THICK TOENAILS

Cutting Neglected Nails, EXTREME THICK TOENAILS Watch the video below! Read more