These People Wore the Worst Dresses in the World and There’s No Forgiving That

Everyone has been seen wearing a few outfits they weren’t particularly proud of. It just so happens that you put on an outfit you consider to be very fashionable, only to discover after the fact that you looked like a... Read more

Mom was beaten so severely by her partner that she wrote her toddler “goodbye letters.”

A woman was physically and psychologically abused by a former partner for eight years. She was left with the horrifying fear that he would ultimately kill her. Jessica Tasker was brutally beaten by 29-year-old Thomas Parry, the child’s father. It... Read more

Man mocked for being with 252 lb woman, has the perfect response to shut haters up

When we share our lives on the internet, we often open them up to criticism. This young couple who just enjoys sharing pictures with one another received backlash from people for their relationship. However, their response to the criticism is brilliant... Read more

Tourist spots elephant giving birth and hits record, but then the herd comes charging in

Having a baby has to be up there as one of life’s ultimate magical moments. It’s also one of the most secretive moments as most moms give birth behind closed doors in a hospital room surrounded by a select few... Read more

Victoria Wright’s extraordinary story: With her unique genetic affliction, she inspires millions

Victoria Wright was born with cherubism, a relatively uncommon genetic condition. When she was four years old, the first signs of an abnormal bony overgrowth in the lower portion of her face started to show. At first, doctors were unsure... Read more

Try This Trick to Remove Brown Spots From Your Skin

Age spots, which are brown spots on your skin, are something you cannot really avoid as you age. And if you don’t like the way these spots appear on your body, we have a solution for you that will get... Read more

For Years She Thought It Was Just A Mole, But What Her Doctor Yanks Out Is Unbeliavable recommended by

It’s common for things to simply naturally end up getting bigger as time goes on and we age. Feet, ears, noses, and blackheads! This woman is a prime example of what can happen when we ignore something or disregard it... Read more

I Was Shamed for My Weight by Doctors, Then a Stranger Revealed the Truth to Me

36-year-old Theresa Fredenburg-Hinds suffered from swollen, painful legs her entire life and was always told by doctors that it was due to her weight. A chance encounter with a shop assistant who recognized her symptoms revealed to Theresa the real condition from which she suffered. Theresa was always... Read more

Woman who wants to become a ‘forest elf,’ gets Barbie nose and cat eyes in new extreme procedure

It’s fair to assume many celebrities have undergone plastic surgery. Some have had botox, while others have altered their entire bodies. One of those people is Mary Magdalene.  The Toronto, Canada native experimented with the surgeon’s knife and became famous... Read more

MUM’S AGONY I’m covered head-to-toe in HUNDREDS of painful and itchy tumours – strangers point and stare

A MUM covered head-to-toe in hundreds of painful and itchy tumours has told how strangers point and stare at her. Jamila Gordon has more than 200 little growths all over her body, due to a condition she has had since... Read more