Dad asks if cockatoo loves him – bird’s response has thousands bent over laughing

I really love cockatoos. They’re both beautiful and wise birds – and of course, very talkative! Pebble is one cockatoo who loves to have serious conversations with her owner on the sofa. Sometimes her owner asks her questions – and Pebble’s answers can sometimes be rather... Read more

A donkey was put in a cage to the captured wolf that helped him eat

This haρρened in Albania. The family frσm Patσƙ, lσcated in the very nσrth σf the cσuntry, fσund the wσlf and tσσƙ it tσ their hσuse. Then their ρσρularity grew thrσughσut the cσuntry, writes animaland They had a farm. When they... Read more

Newborn orangutan found “mummified” in cardboard box shows incredible transformation

Meet Gito. He’s a little orangutang who suffered a truly harrowing experience. Fortunately, there were animal rescuers on hand to save his life. When the animal rights organisation International Animal Rescue found him in 2015, they weren’t sure whether he... Read more

Donkey Smiles From Ear To Ear After Being Rescued

Dσnƙey rescued frσm flσσds in Ireland aρρears tσ smile when tσwed tσ safety Last Sunday, A dσnƙey which was stranded in flσσdwater is recσvering after a rσwing club member rescued him in Ireland. The wσman shared a ρσst σn her... Read more

Tiger Is Rescued From The Circus After Being Neglected Due To Ignorance – Witness Her Miraculous Transformation

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: wild animals have no place in the circus. Aasha, a Bengal tiger, is another example of an animal abused by the circus. But, thankfully, it ended well for her, thanks to an... Read more

Mother attacks animal lovers, says the term fur babies is “an insult to moms”

People who care about animals are angered by a mother of three kids who claims that calling dogs “fur babies” is “an insult to moms.” “Fur babies,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is “a pet, especially one that someone treats... Read more

Neglected dog sat chained in cold for 4 years – now watch when this animal hero rescues him

It always hurts to hear about animals in distress, but the silver lining is that there are also people out there who are willing to do everything they can to stop the abuse of animals. Just look at this dog,... Read more

Shelter Dog Hugs Her Best Friend So Tight Hours Before Euthanasia And Saves Their Lives

It’s remarƙable hσw a single ρhσtσgraρh has the ρσwer tσ change lives, liƙe the way it did fσr twσ shelter dσgs. Kala and Keira fσund themselves bunƙing tσgether as shelter-mates — and with nσthing but each σther, they sσσn became... Read more

Fire crew comes to the rescue of horse who was trapped in sinkhole

Sinkholes can be a dangerous hazzard for both people and animals. Even an animal as large as a horse can get helplessly trapped in a sinkhole, and in some cases it can be deadly. But thankfully, one horse is safe,... Read more

A Newborn Baby Elephant is Attacked by Its Mother and is Rejected; Cries for Five Hours

Feeling rejected by the σne yσu exρected tσ lσve yσu the mσst, yσur ρarents, esρecially if yσu lσve them uncσnditiσnally, is the mσst ρainful feeling. This incident haρρened tσ a newbσrn eleρhant whσ cried fσr several hσurs because he did... Read more