LEGEND LOST. Jeopardy fans are in shock. We will never forget you

Fans of JEOPARDY! have remembered the late player Cindy Stowell, who died of cancer, after seeing her in a recent clip.

The Texas native was on Jeopardy! in 2016, but she died a few days before her show aired because of complications from colon cancer.

To honor announcer Johnny Gilbert’s birthday on Saturday, Jeopardy! shared a clip from Cindy’s episode on Instagram.

The clip had Johnny, 98, reading the clues and the late Alex Trebek as the host.

Other fans paid tribute to Cindy and Alex, who died at age 80 from pancreatic cancer, in the comments. Some wished Johnny a happy birthday.

“RIP to both Cindy and Alex,” wrote one fan.

“Happy Birthday Johnny, and RIP to Cindy and Alex as well,” said another fan.

A third fan said, “Cindy was unique.”

Fans kept adding their thoughts to the TikTok post of the same video.

“RIP, Alex and Cindy,” someone wrote.

Peace be with you
Along with her fight with cancer, Cindy went on Jeopardy! in 2016.

CBS News reports that her dream was to be on the game show before she died and give the money she won to groups that help people with cancer.

She told the production team in a letter that she had been diagnosed with cancer.

“Do you know how long it usually takes between the interviewer’s visit and the filmed date?” I’m asking because I recently learned that I won’t have much time left to live. “About six months is what the doctor thinks,” she wrote.

“If there’s any chance I could still record Jeopardy! If I were chosen, I’d like to do that and give any money I win to… cancer research charities. I’d like to give up my tryout spot to someone else if it’s not likely that things will be ready that quickly.

She was told that she would be booked for a taping right away if she did well in her audition.

The contestant, who worked as a content developer for science shows, died eight days before her show aired.

At the time, Alex said something about her death.

“When Cindy Stowell recorded her Quiz Bowl show, “Her cancer was in Stage 4,” Alex said.

Cindy had always wanted to be on Jeopardy!, and we’re glad she was able to make her dream come true. Cindy passed away on December 5. Sorry for her loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.

Cindy came on Jeopardy to play the game she loved, and in the process she was able to help cancer research so that no one else would have to go through what she did. Greg Stowell, Carole Stowell, and Cindy’s boyfriend of many years, Jason Hess, also spoke at the event.

Alex lost his battle with pancreatic cancer in 2020.

There have been many tributes to him on the show since he stopped hosting.

There was news in June 2023 that the longtime host would be on a Forever Stamp.

Fans were thrilled by the news, but some thought the stamp could have used more punch.

It was at that time that the US Postal Service announced Alex would be on the newest Forever Stamp.

Ken Jennings, who took over after him, announced the award during an episode of the game show.

There is a clue on the stamps that says, “This naturalized U.S. citizen hosted the quiz show Jeopardy! for 37 seasons.”

The answer, written in the show’s signature style, is written below and backwards: “Who is Alex Trebek?”

Fans argued on Reddit about the design of the stamp, with some not liking how it looked.

Alex is on the stamp sheet’s pane, but not on the stamps themselves.

“Okay, it’s great Alex Trebek is being honored with a stamp, but it’s got to be one of the most boring stamps in US Postal History,” a user said.

“Alex is only shown on the pane; the stamp itself is a Jeopardy!-style clue about him.”

“This seems more like a stamp commemorating the Jeopardy! 60th Anniversary than Alex himself,” they said.

“Since most people will only ever encounter this stamp when they see it on their mail, I agree that it would have been nice for him to actually appear on the stamp itself,” someone else said.

“That said, his name is there and it’s about him and at the end of the day, it is a nice honour for him to receive,” a third supporter said.

Some fans thought that the stamps would have been better with a different hint.

A fourth person on social media said, “Also, there isn’t any variety; every stamp is the same clue lol, but still, amazing honor.”

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