Baby showers her dog with kisses on the nose – nobody could predict his response

It is of course always important to be careful as a parent when you have small children and dogs under the same roof.

You should be even more cautious when your baby gets close to your animal because as much as you trust your pets, they can be unpredictable.

But a bad reaction from a dog you have loved and cherished in your home is a rarity as they remain loyal to their family and have a protective instinct.

Baby girl Quinn, from San Antonio, Texas, adores the family’s white German Shepherd dog Larry and is melting hearts after she was caught on camera giving him lots of kisses.

The real joy comes in the dog’s response, it’s so adorable.

Photo: YouTube

She’s not old enough to be talking so communicates with actions.

According to a YouTube post Larry is 9 months older than Quinn and has been obsessed with her since her parents brought her home.

Squeal with delight

Quinn wants to give Larry all the love back and showers him with kisses on the nose.

Larry looks bored for the most part but then gets up from lying on his slipper and responds with something that makes Quinn squeal with delight.

Photo: YouTube

Thankfully someone was there to catch the adorable moment on camera and now it’s gone viral.

When you watch it below you’ll understand why.

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