The girl with big cheekbones 10 years ago looked different: she was truely pretty

Many people recognized Anastasia Pokreshchuk after she dramatically changed her appearance. Now the woman is distinguished by the fact that she has the largest cheekbones in the world. Moreover, the girl completely loves her appearance. She says she feels comfortable.

Despite the expressive cheekbones, Pokreshchuk also has a bright hair color. True, not many netizens saw how the girl looked before the transformation. A pretty, charming and charismatic girl – all this can be said about Pokreschuk when you look at her archival photographs. Of course, it is pointless to judge a person who decided to change herself. The main thing is the fact that she feels confident in her new look.

However, the public doesn’t accept this extraordinary fact how she has stepped like that. “Isn’t it connected with her mental condition?” “How can people be so wicked to treat you like that?”, “It’s her face and life! You have no right to judge her by appearance”, “What a mysterious character! It is interesting, what was the reason to destroy her own natural beauty!” – the people were writing.

And what is your opinion? Has she made a right decision?


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