Hero Construction Worker Sees Teen Girl Running To Him, Knows Who’s Coming For Her

Kevin Huntington may look like your average construction worker, but now he can add another title to his name: hero. While Kevin was busy doing road work along I-95 in northern Virginia, he noticed a car speeding toward his work zone.

Things took a turn when dis.tra. ught female teenager jumped out of the car and frantically ran up to Kevin and his coworkers. After telling him the man in the car. was trying to k*ll her, Kevin immediately called 9.1.1 and told the ter. ri. fied teen to stay close behind him. She did. He assured her nothing was going to happen to her as long as he was there. Though it didn’t feel like it at the time, she was finally safe.

It wasn’t until after the male driver was arre. s.ted that Kevin learned the shoc.*king truth. As it turned out, police were alerted to a possible abd.*uc. tion on the inter state, and were in the middle of tracking the sus.pe*ct down when his car nearly hit Kevin at his work site. The man was arr.est. ed.

Kevin is now being hailed a hero, and news outlets all over the country are picking up on this harrowing story.
Watch the video below:

Credit: https://heroes.viraltop23.com/2023/08/13/hero-construction-worker-sees-teen-girl-running-to-him-knows-whos-coming-for-her/

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